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Welcome to the MM/HoMM/CoMM message board at Bob&Rob's. If you are a frequent visitor, perhaps this page is a surprise to you. Due to frequent situations on the board, we've had to insert this page to lay a few ground rules. If this is your first visit to our boards, please read the following regulations prior to posting. Failure to comply can result in your post being deleted.
Posting to the Board
- Please be as precise as possible in your post, especially if you are trying to solve a problem. The more you provide, the more accurate replies will be.
- No profanity. Keep it mature and respectful.
- Do not request that people email replies to you.
- There is no way for other visitors to know if you received your answers, thus you could be contacted multiple times needlessly. Respect the online time of others.
- Other visitors may have the same question. Let's share our knowledge with everyone.
There is a checkbox that allows for you to be contacted when someone posts a reply. Please use that instead.
- Keep on topic. Post any comments, observations, questions, problems, etc. concerning any game in the Heroes of Might & Magic, Might & Magic, or Crusaders of Might & Magic series. Avoid posts that are desinged solely to advertise your site (we have a links section AND a webring for that!), promote MLM (multi-level marketing) or get paid to surf links. If you are looking for a person for online gaming, visit the player search section.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation with these rules. If we work together, we can provide a comprehensive, helpful message board for all players.
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