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Artifacts add something to your hero. Usually the additions are positive, but not always! So beware what ones you pick up! They can be found lying on land or in treasure chests. They also can be acquired by defeating an enemy hero who possesses it, stumbling over an event, or by rescuing a grateful shipwreck survivor.

Anyone wanting a "printer-friendly" version of any or all of these pages is asked to contact &rea, using the email link at the bottom of any page on this site.

Choose a Group
Includes: Medal of Honor, Medal of Courage, Medal of Distinction, Medal of Valor
Resource Supply
Includes: Endless Bag, Sack, and Purse of Gold, Cart of Ore, Cord of Wood, Pot of Crystal, Pouch of Sulfur, Vial of Mercury
Includes: Fizbin of Misfortune, Hideous Mask, Tax Lein
Includes: Holy Pendant, Kinetic Pendant, Pendant of Free Will, Pendant of Life, Seeing Eye Pendant, Serenity Pendant, Wand of Negation
Includes: Ammo Cart, Armed Gauntlet of Protection, Defense Helm of Protection, Divine Breastplate, Dragon Sword of Dominion, Power Axe of Dominion, Spiked Shield, Spiked Helm, Stealth Shield, Thunder Mace of Dominion
Specific Spells
Includes: Ankh, Book of Elements, Elemental Ring, Evercold Icicle, Everhot Lava Rock, Evil Eye, Fire Cloak, Gold Watch, Heart of Fire, Ice Cloak, Lightning Helm, Lightning Rod, Skull Cap, Snake Ring
Spell Power
Includes: Arcane Necklace of Magic, Black Pearl, Caster's Bracelet of Magic, Enchanted Hourglass, Mage's Ring of Power, Power Ring, White Pearl, Witch's Bracelet of Magic,Wizard's Hat
Includes: Black Pearl, Foremost Scroll of Knowledge, Major Scroll of Knowledge, Minor Scroll of Knowledge, Superior Scroll of Knowledge, White Pearl
Includes: Four Leaf Clover, Gambler's Lucky Coin, Golden Horseshoe, Lucky Rabbit's Foot
Includes: Nomadic Boots of Mobility, Sailor's Astrolabe of Mobility, Traveller's Boots of Mobility, True Compass of Mobility
Includes: Ballista of Quickness, Golden Bow, Magic Book, Statesman's Quill, Telescope
Includes: Book of Knowledge, Cloak of Protection, Crown, Golden Goose, Shield, Staff, Sword of Dominion, Wand of Magic
Expansion Pack
Includes: Broach of Shielding, Heart of Fire, Heart of Ice, Holy Hammer, Legendary Scepter, Masthead, Spade, Sword Breaker, Breastplate of Anduran, Helmet of Anduran, Sword of Anduran, Battle Garb of Anduran

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