| Ankh | Doubles the effectiveness of resurrect and animate spells |
 | Book of Elements | Doubles the effectiveness of summoning spells |
 | Elemental Ring | Halves cost of summoning spells |
 | Evercold Icicle | Causes cold spells to do 50% more damage |
 | Everhot Lava Rock | Causes fire spells to do 50% more damage |
 | Evil Eye | Halves the cost of curse spells |
 | Fire Cloak | Halves damage your army takes from fire spells |
 | Gold Watch | Doubles the effectiveness of hypnotize spells |
 | Ice Cloak | Halves damage your army takes from cold spells |
 | Lightning Helm | Halves the damage your troops take from lightning spells |
 | Lightning Rod | Causes lightning spells to do 50% more damage |
 | Skull Cap | Halves cost of mind-influencing spells |
 | Snake Ring | Halves the cost of bless spells |