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| Level Five Spells |  |
Fifth level spells can be learned by any hero possessing a spell book and the skill
(expert wisdom, to be precise).
Image | Name | Cost | Type | Description |
 | Armageddon | 25 | Combat | "Holy Terror" rains on the field; causes damage to all creatures, including your own. |
| Dimension Door | 10 | Adventure | Teleports hero to a visible (and unoccupied) location |
| Hypnotize | 15 | Combat | Enemy creatures with hit points less than 25 times your spell power are brought under your control |
 | Mirror Image | 20 | Combat | Duplicates one of your troops, inflicts the same damage, but disappears as soon is it takes any damage. |
| Resurrect True | 15 | Combat | Permanently resurrects a percentage of killed creatures in a unit |
| Summon Air Elemental | 30 | Combat | Sets Air Elementals to guard a selected mine |
| Summon Earth Elemental | 30 | Combat | Sets Earth Elementals to guard a selected mine |
| Summon Fire Elemental | 30 | Combat | Sets Fire Elementals to guard a selected mine |
| Summon Water Elemental | 30 | Combat | Sets Water Elementals to guard a selected mine |
| Town Portal | 20 | Combat | Teleports hero to any empty, friendly town. |
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