Artifact Name | Combination of | Description of Effect |
 Admiral's Hat | Sea Captain's Hat Necklace of Ocean Guidance | Converts movement points between Hero's land and Water movement, thus removing the boarding/unboarding penalty. (Walk on and sail in one turn.) |
 Angelic Alliance | Helm of Heavenly Enlightenment Celestial Necklace of Bliss Sword of Judgment Armor of Wonder Sandals of the Saint Lion's Shield of Courage | Allows creatures from Rampart, Tower, Fortress, Stronghold, and Castle to be mixed without a morale penalty; also casts "expert prayer" at the start of combat. |
 Armor of the Damned | Skull Helmet Blackshard of the Dead Knight Rib Cage Shield of the Yawning Dead | The following spells are cast upon opponents for fifty rounds of battle: Slow, Disrupting Ray, Curse, Weakness, and Misfortune |
 Bow of the Sharpshooter | Bow of Elven Cherrywood Bowstring of the Unicorn's Mane Angel Feather Arrows | Ranged shooters may fire while adjacent to enemy creature. No penalty for shooting past obstacles or walls. |
 Cloak of the Undead King | Amulet of the Undertaker Vampire's Cowl Dead Man's Boots | 30% of battlefield dead are resurrected as skeletons, except if hero possesses Necromancy skill. They are then resurrected according to level of skill.
Basic: Zombies Advanced: Wights Expert: Liches |
 Cornucopia | Everflowing Cloak of Crystal Everpouring Vial of Mercury Eversmoking Ring of Sulfur Ring of Infinite Gems | Generates four of each of these precious resources daily. |
 Elixir of Life | Ring of Life Vial of Life Blood Ring of Vitality | All creatures, except undead/non-living, get a 25% health bonus and gain the ability to regenerate. |
 Power of the Dragon Father | Crown of Dragontooth Necklace of Dragonteeth Dragon Wing Tabard Red Dragon Flame Tongue Dragon Scale Shield Quiet Eye of the Dragon Still Eye of the Dragon Dragonbone Greaves Dragon Scale Armor | Increases all primary skills (attack, defense, knowledge, power) by 6 and provides immunity to troops from all Level 1-4 spells. |
 Statue of Legion | Legs of Legion Loins of Legion Torso of Legion Arms of Legion Head of Legion | All creature production increases by 50% in all towns, but not flagged structrures. Bonus is received regardless of where the hero is located. |
 Ring of the Magi | Collar of Conjuring Ring of Conjuring Cloak of Conjuring | Adds 50 Rounds to spell duration. |
 Titan's Thunder | Thunder Helmet Titan's Gladius Titan's Cuirass Sentinel's Shield | Hero can cast lightning bolt for 600 points of damage and with no spell-point cost. Adds a spell book into permanent inventory. |
 Wizard's Well | Charm of Mana Talisman of Mana Orb of Mana | Regenerates all spell points each day. |