Image/Spell | Type | School | Duration | Cost |
 Air Shield | Combat | Air | One Turn | 12 |
Basic: Targeted troop takes 25% less damage from range attacks Advanced: Targeted troop takes 50% less damage from range attacks Expert: All allied troops take 50% less damage from range attacks |
 Destroy Undead | Combat | Air | Instant | 15 |
Basic: All undead troops receive damage [(Power x 10) + 10] Advanced: All undead troops receive damage [(Power x 20) + 10] Expert: All undead troops receive damage [(Power x 10) + 50] |
 Prot. from Air | Combat | Air | One Round | 15 |
Basic: All undead troops receive damage [(Power x 10) + 10] Advanced: All undead troops receive damage [(Power x 20) + 10] Expert: All undead troops receive damage [(Power x 10) + 50] |
 Hypnotize | Combat | Air | Special | 18 |
Basic: Targeted troop whose health is less than [(Power x 25) + 10] is put under your control and cannot relatiate to attacks. Advanced: Targeted troop whose health is less than [(Power x 20) + 20] is put under your control and cannot relatiate to attacks. Expert: Targeted troop whose health is less than [(Power x 25) + 50] is put under your control and cannot relatiate to attacks. |
 Animate Dead | Combat | Earth | Permanent | 15 |
Basic: Revives [(Power x 50) + 30] health-points worth of killed creatures in targeted troop. Advanced: Revives [(Power x 50) + 60] health-points worth of killed creatures in targeted troop. Expert: Revives [(Power x 50) + 160] health-points worth of killed creatures in targeted troop. |
 Anti-Magic | Combat | Earth | One Round | 15 |
Basic: Targeted troop is affected only by Level 4 or 5 spells. Advanced: Targeted troop is affected only by Level 5 spells. Expert: Targeted troop is immune to all spells. |
 Earthquake | Combat | Earth | Instant | 20 |
Basic: Does one point of damage to two random castle walls Advanced: Does one point of damage to three random castle walls Expert: Does one point of damage to four random castle walls |
 Force Field | Combat | Earth | Two Rounds | 12 |
Basic: Two-hex wall is created at target hex, blocking movement through that area. Advanced: Three-hex wall is created at target hex, blocking movement through that area. Expert: No change from advanced effect. |
 Fireball | Combat | Fire | Instant | 15 |
Basic: Troops in target and adjacent hexes take damage [(Power x 10) + 15]. Advanced: Troops in target and adjacent hexes take damage [(Power x 10) + 30]. Expert: Troops in target and adjacent hexes take damage [(Power x 10) + 60]. |
 Land Mine | Combat | Fire | Until Touched | 18 |
Basic: Mine appear in 4 random hexes (visible to and useless against enemies on native terrain). Damage [(Power x 10) + 25] Advanced: Damage [(Power x 10) + 50] Expert: Damage [(Power x 10) + 100] |
 Misfortune | Combat | Fire | One Round | 12 |
Basic: Targeted troop's luck is reduced by one. Advanced: Targeted troop's luck is reduced by two. Expert: All enemy troops' luck is reduced by two. |
 Forgetfulness | Combat | Water | One Round | 12 |
Basic: Half the creatures in targeted range-attack troop, forget to shoot. Advanced: All creatures in targeted range-attack troop, forget to shoot. Expert: All enemy range-attack troops are unable to shoot. |
 Frost Ring | Combat | Water | One Round | 12 |
Troops in target and adjacent hexes take damage [(Power x 10) + 15]. Advanced: Troops in target and adjacent hexes take damage [(Power x 10) + 30]. Expert: Troops in target and adjacent hexes take damage [(Power x 10) + 60]. |
 Mirth | Combat | Water | One Round | 12 |
Basic: Targeted troop's morale increases by one. Advanced: Targeted troop's morale increases by two. Expert: All allied troops' morale increases by two. |
 Teleport | Combat | Water | Instant | 15 |
Basic: Targeted allied troop can move to any unoccupied hex (except over walls or moats). Advanced: Targeted allied troop can move to any unoccupied hex (except over walls) Expert: Targeted allied troop can move to any unoccupied hex |