Image/Spell | Type | School | Duration | Cost |
 Dimension Door | Adventure | Air | Immediate | 25 |
Basic: Teleports hero to a visible, unoccupied location. May be cast twice per day, reducing movement by 3 tiles each. Advanced: Teleports hero to a visible, unoccupied location. May be cast three times per day, reducing movement by 3 tiles each. Expert: Teleports hero to a visible, unoccupied location. May be cast four times per day, reducing movement by 2 tiles each. |
 Fly | Adventure | Air | Immediate | 16 |
Basic: Hero can fly over obstacles to unoccupied space, up to 60% of normal movement. Advanced: Hero can fly over obstacles to unoccupied space, up to 80% of normal movement. Expert: Hero can fly over obstacles to unoccupied space, up to 100% of normal movement. |
 Magic Mirror | Combat | Air | One Round | 25 |
Basic: Enemy spell cast on targeted troop has 20% chace of being redirected to a random enemy troop. Advanced: Enemy spell cast on targeted troop has 30% chace of being redirected to a random enemy troop. Expert: Enemy spell cast on targeted troop has 40% chace of being redirected to a random enemy troop. |
 Summon Air | Combat | Air | Combat | 25 |
Basic: A troop containing air elementals is created (Power x 2). Only one type of elemental may be summoned. Advanced: A troop containing air elementals is created (Power x 3). Only one type of elemental may be summoned. Expert: A troop containing air elementals is created (Power x 4). Only one type of elemental may be summoned. |
 Implosion | Combat | Earth | Instant | 30 |
Basic: Targeted troop receives damage [(Power x 75) + 100] Advanced: Targeted troop receives damage [(Power x 75) + 200] Expert: Targeted troop receives damage [(Power x 75) + 300] |
 Summon Earth | Combat | Earth | Combat | 25 |
Basic: A troop containing earth elementals is created (Power x 2). Only one type of elemental may be summoned. Advanced: A troop containing earth elementals is created (Power x 3). Only one type of elemental may be summoned. Expert: A troop containing earth elementals is created (Power x 4). Only one type of elemental may be summoned. |
 Sacrifice | Combat | Fire | Permanent | 25 |
Basic: Targeted non-undead troop is destroyed. It's base health + power + 3 is multiplied by the # of creatures sacrificed. That number is the total health points revived from another dead troop. Advanced: Base health + power + 6 determines health points revived. Expert: Base health + power + 10 determines health points revived. |
 Summon Fire | Combat | Fire | Combat | 25 |
Basic: A troop containing fire elementals is created (Power x 2). Only one type of elemental may be summoned. Advanced: A troop containing fire elementals is created (Power x 3). Only one type of elemental may be summoned. Expert: A troop containing fire elementals is created (Power x 4). Only one type of elemental may be summoned. |
 Summon Water | Combat | Water | Combat | 25 |
Basic: A troop containing water elementals is created (Power x 2). Only one type of elemental may be summoned. Advanced: A troop containing water elementals is created (Power x 3). Only one type of elemental may be summoned. Expert: A troop containing water elementals is created (Power x 4). Only one type of elemental may be summoned. |