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 Creatures of the Dungeon Town
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Image | Name | Cost | Attributes |
| Troglodyte | 50 Gold | Immune to blindness spells |
| Infernal Troglodyte | 65 Gold | Increased attack, defense, health, and speed |
| Harpy | 130 Gold | Return to beginning hex after attack |
| Harpy Hag | 170 Gold | Enemy cannot counterstrike Increased defense and speed |
| Beholder | 250 Gold | Range attack with eye rays Equal damage at close range by use of multiple tentacles |
| Evil Eye | 280 Gold | Increased attack, defense, and speed |
| Medusa | 300 Gold | Range attack with bows Close range attacks have 20% chance of petrifying target, causing target to freeze for three rounds, unless attacked, and take 50% damage when attacked. |
| Medusa Queen | 350 Gold | Increased attack, defense, health, and speed |
| Minotaur | 500 Gold | High morale; durable |
| Minotaur King | 575 Gold | Increased attack, defense, and speed |
| Manticore | 850 Gold | Attack with stabs from tail |
| Scorpicore | 1050 Gold | Attacks have 20% chance of petrifying target, causing target to freeze for three rounds, unless attacked, and take 50% damage when attacked. Increased attack, defense, and speed |
| Red Dragon | 2500 Gold 1 Sulfur | Mobile, flying units Immune to spells below level 4 |
| Black Dragon | 4000 Gold 2 Sulfur | Increased attack, defense, health, and speed Immune to all spells |

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