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This form was created so you can help us keep our information accurate and provide the most enjoyable maps.
Please use this form in any of the following circumstances:

  • You found a problem (most commonly an unreachable object) while playing a map you downloaded from us
  • You can't get a map (or it's information page) to load
  • You saw a typo on a map information page
  • You can provide missing information on a map in the Grab Bag
Simply complete the following numbered fields. You will be asked to provide clarifying details with your selection. Please submit one form per type of error or map.

  1. Email address (In case we need more details about your submission)

  2. Map Title (as it appears on the download page)

  3. Game Version :
    Heroes 2   Heroes 3

  4. What Type of Revision Are You Submitting? (If there is more than one type of problem or more than one map, please submit separate forms)
    Typo on Map Information Page
    If you checked "typo", please include the correct information below

    Unreachable Object(s)

    If you checked "unreachable", please describe in detail "what" object and "where" it can be found. Be specific.

    Broken Link

    If you checked "broken", please indicate if you cannot reach the information page or if the map's zip file is unreachable.

    Updates to Map Grab Bag

    If you checked "Grab Bag", please include as much information as possible

  5. CLICK "SUBMIT" BUTTON ONCE ONLY; you will be notified when the revisions are completed.


Thank you for your assistance!!!

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Site designed and maintained for Bob&Rob by Ampersand Designs
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(c) The 3DO Company. All rights reserved. Heroes of Might and Magic, New World Computing, 3DO, and their respective logos, are trademarks, registered trademarks or service marks of The 3DO Company in the U.S. and/or other countries. All other trademarks belong to their respective owners. New World Computing is a division of The 3DO Company. The 3DO Company expressly disclaims any obligation, responsibility and/or liability with respect to any content or accuracy of information contained on this web site.