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Level 1 Spells

Magic ArrowCombatAllImmediate5
Basic: Targeted troop damaged, damage points equal [(Power x10) +10]
Advanced: Targeted troop damaged, damage points equal [(Power x10) +20]
Expert: Targeted troop damaged, damage points equal [(Power x10) +30]

View AirAdventureAirImmediate2
Basic: Displays the location of all artifacts
Advanced: Displays the location of all artifacts and heroes
Expert: Displays the location of all artifacts, heroes, and towns

HasteCombatAir1 Round6
Basic: Targeted troop's speed increased by five hexes per turn
Advanced: Targeted troop's speed increased by three hexes per turn
Expert: All troops' speed increased by five hexes per turn

View EarthAdventureEarthImmediate2
Basic: Displays the location of all resources
Advanced: Displays the location of all resources and mines
Expert: Displays the entire terrain, along with all resources and mines

ShieldCombatEarth1 Round5
Basic: Hand-to-hand combat damage received by targeted troop reduced by 15%
Advanced: Hand-to-hand combat damage received by targeted troop reduced by 30%
Expert: Hand-to-hand combat damage received by all troops reduced by 30%

SlowCombatEarth1 Round6
Basic: Targeted enemy troop's speed is reduced by 25%
Advanced: Targeted enemy troop's speed is reduced by 50%
Expert: All enemy troops' speed is reduced by 50%

StoneskinCombatEarth1 Round5
Basic: Targeted troop's defense rating increases by three
Advanced: Targeted troop's defense rating increases by six
Expert: All allied troops' defense rating increases by six

BloodlustCombatFire1 Round5
Basic: Targeted troop's attack rating increases by 3 for hand-to-hand
Advanced: Targeted troop's attack rating increases by 6 for hand-to-hand
Expert: All allied troops' attack rating increases by 6 for hand-to-hand

CurseCombatFire1 Round6
Basic: Targeted troop delivers minimum damage
Advanced: Targeted troop delivers 80% of minimum damage (-1)
Expert: All allied troops delivers 80% of minimum damage (-1)

from Fire
CombatFire1 Round5
Basic: Targeted troop takes 30% less damage from an enemy's fire magic spell
Advanced: Targeted troop takes 50% less damage from an enemy's fire magic spell
Expert: All troops takes 50% less damage from an enemy's fire magic spell

Summon BoatAdventureWaterImmediate6
Basic: 50% chance of moving one of your boats to your location
Advanced: 75% of summoning a boat or creating another!
Expert: 100% chance of getting a boat (unless there are 64 on the board already)

BlessCombatWater1 Round6
Basic: Targeted troop inflicts maximum damage
Advanced: Targeted troop inflicts maximum damage +1
Expert: All troops inflict maximum damage +1

Basic: Removes negative spell cast on targeted troop; heals health points [(power x 5) + 10]
Advanced: Removes negative spell cast on targeted troop; heals health points [(power x 5) + 20]
Expert: Removes negative spell cast on all allied troops; heals health points [(power x 5) + 30]

Basic: Removes spell effects from targeted allied troop
Advanced: Removes spell effects from targeted allied OR enemy troop
Expert: Removes spell effects from all allied and enemy troops

from Water
CombatWater1 Round5
Basic: Targeted troop takes 30% less damage from an enemy's water magic spell
Advanced: Targeted troop takes 50% less damage from an enemy's water magic spell
Expert: All troops takes 50% less damage from an enemy's water magic spell

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