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| Level One Spells |  |
First level spells can be learned by any hero possessing a spell book (like the one above!)
Image | Name | Cost | Type | Description |
 | Bless | 3 | Combat | Causes one troop to inflict maximum damage |
 | Blood Lust | 3 | Combat | Increases attack skill |
 | Cure | 6 | Combat | Removes negative spells & restores up to 5 hit points per level of hero's spell power. |
 | Curse | 3 | Combat | Causes one enemy troop to inflict minimum damage |
 | Dispel Magic | 5 | Combat | Removes magic spell from any onetarget |
 | Haste | 3 | Combat | Doubles the speed of one group |
 | Magic Arrow | 3 | Combat | Shoots arrow at enemy target |
 | Shield | 3 | Combat | Halves the damange received by range attack units |
 | Stoneskin | 3 | Combat | Increases defense skill |
 | Slow | 3 | Combat | Halves the movement rate of one enemy troop |
 | View Mines | 1 | Adventure | Allows all mines on map to be visible temporarily |
 | View Resources | 1 | Adventure | Allows all resources on map to be visible temporarily |
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