Image | Name | Cost | Type | Description |
![](spells/img/animdead.gif) | Animate Dead | 10 | Combat | Resurrects creatures from a dead or damaged undead unit permanently. |
![](spells/img/antimag.gif) | Anti- Magic | 7 | Combat | Prevents harmful magic from being cast against a chosen single unit. |
![](spells/img/coldring.gif) | Cold Ring | 9 | Combat | Drains body heat from units surrounding, but not including, the center point. |
| Death Wave | 10 | Combat | Inflicts death magic to all non-dead creatures. |
![](spells/img/fireball.gif) | Fireball | 9 | Combat | Damages all nearby with a ball of fire. |
![](spells/img/holyword.gif) | Holy Word | 9 | Combat | Damages all undead units |
| Identify Hero | 3 | Adventure | Allows you to view enemy stats and strength |
| Mass Bless | 12 | Combat | Causes all allied units to inflict maximum damage for one round |
![](spells/img/masscurse.gif) | Mass Curse | 12 | Combat | Causes all enemy troops to inflict minimum possible damage. |
![](spells/img/massdispel.gif) | Mass Dispel | 12 | Combat | Removes all magic spells from all troops. |
![](spells/img/masshaste.gif) | Mass Haste | 10 | Combat | Doubles the speed of all creatures in your army. |
![](spells/img/paralyze.gif) | Paralyze | 9 | Combat | Leaves targeted creature unable to move or retaliate. |
| Teleport | 9 | Combat | Moves a unit to an unoccupied hex |
![](spells/img/quake.gif) | Earthquake | 15 | Combat | Severly damages castle walls in Combat |
![](spells/img/viewtown.gif) | View Towns | 2 | Adventure | Allows hero to see all towns on the map temporarily. |